Transform your knowledge, message, and story into a life-changing Personal brand

a 1:1 Coaching Experience that will change you and your business forever
Application deadline
November 22, 2022
Deadline 5 p.m. EST
Are you struggling to brand yourself?

Or, are you wasting money and time because you're stuck researching and creating instead of releasing and selling?

You’ve invested in coaches, read the books, taken the courses, and put in the work…

Still, you’re not sure what you’re building, who it’s for, or if it’s even the right business for you.

It’s frustrating and overwhelming.

The uncertainty makes you question if you have what it takes to succeed or whether you should settle for working for someone else forever.

You’re afraid of wasting more time, more money, and becoming paralyzed by the fear of being stuck.

This is what happens to most people…

You’ve been trying to figure out the best way to communicate what you and your brand are all about.

All while staying true to who you are, what you stand for, and how you want to impact the world.

If you keep asking yourself…

Does this Sound Familiar?

You’re out to dinner with friends when you overhear one of them talking about a business problem she’s having. The more you listen, the clearer it becomes that the service you’ve been developing is exactly what she needs. You want to say something, but the idea is still in the works, and you don’t know how to recommend it without going into too much detail. So, you keep it to yourself while you nod in agreement as she lists her ongoing frustrations.

How do you tell people what you do with clarity, confidence, and authority?

You’re a coach, author, or public speaker (maybe all of them).You’ve done everything you set out to do, but you haven’t achieved the level of success you expected. Every day, you see people with less experience and skill blowup. They’re launching new products that sell out in a week, being flown out for luxury vacations, and collaborating with big brands. You have no idea what you’re missing or what they know that you don’t.

How does a relatively unknown individual attract so much attention and have brands lining up to collaborate with them?

You’re a former corporate executive or CEO. Now you want to use your skills to do what you love. You realize it’s a difficult transfer from corporate structure to being the face of your own brand. You realize your work can change many lives. You’re excited about the opportunity, but you’re still finding your voice. Your corporate peers respect you so much that you don’t want to look incompetent or fake.

How do you make sure that you remain authentic and genuine at the same time?

"The Ivy League of personal branding"
Transform your knowledge, message, and story into a life-changing Personal brand

Receive private personal brand coaching to develop a personal brand like no other. At the end of this program, you will know exactly how to develop the foundation to build a multimillion-dollar brand. Anthony will guide you through his proven branding process step-by-step. Students will build their brands in real time as they work through this world-class training. You’ll no longer have to worry about where to focus your efforts to get the best and quickest results. The immersive learning environment will empower you with Ph.D. level education on how to brand yourself, master your message, and build the business that’s best for you in just 5 weeks.

Imagine–just five weeks from right now, you’ll know exactly how to Brand You into a business that fills your heart and your bank account.

You’ll have a clear plan for moving forward with confidence, so you can put aside your fears and doubts knowing you’re on the right path and have everything you need to make it happen!

The Program Syllabus

Your genius is your unique mix of gifts, talents, and skills. It’s what fulfills you and gives you the sense that you are living up to your full potential and with passion and purpose.

We will lay the groundwork for personal branding by identifying your unique talents and exploring how to turn your genius into a profitable brand. By simply being yourself, you will learn how to turn your passion into a business that impacts countless lives. When you’re able to amplify the best aspects of who you are, you will effortlessly attract individuals who have been eagerly seeking what you have to offer.

If you truly want to inspire others to action, you need to understand the things, people, and beliefs that inspire you.

You will decide how you want to show up in the world based on the person you want to become and the impact that you want to make. Once you understand those standards you have chosen to live by and the beliefs that guide them, you will become more intentional and strategic, empowering you to take quantum leaps (not steps) towards your goals.

There’s a reason Start with Why is a best-selling book and one of the most watched TED talks and of all time – it works!

Many entrepreneurs attempt to brand themselves, but the majority fail. It’s not because they had a bad idea or didn’t work hard enough; it’s often because they never fully understood why they were in business in the first place.

When you’re tired and want to give up, knowing your “why” keeps you going. It empowers you to stay in touch with the energy and emotions surrounding the reason your brand exists. Your “why” gives you a sense of purpose and serves as the fuel that propels your actions, message, and business.

Nothing moves people, builds trust, and inspires like a well-told story. Finding your voice and speaking your truth is one of the most powerful things you can do as a human.

This session might be the most powerful, revealing, and life-changing of them all. You will discover some of your most memorable experiences as well as some of your proudest moments (most people get very emotional). We’ll be able to reflect on your life in ways that you’ll find difficult to do for yourself.

You’ll learn to tell your story in a way that shows your passion, touches people’s hearts, and inspires them to want to be a loyal fan for life. So, when someone asks, “What do you do?” you’ll be able to answer clearly, with confidence, and with charisma.

Finally, you’ll have everything you need to set up your personal brand for success now and in the future.

We’ll put it all together and talk about what you can do with the powerful knowledge you now have, including launching your eagerly anticipated new product or service, producing months’ worth of fresh content quickly, writing that best-selling book with ease, and much more.

Think of the peace of mind, excitement, and energy that will come from knowing who you are as a brand and what areas you need to focus on to achieve the best results. Imagine how much time, energy, and money you will save with your newfound clarity. You’ll be able to accomplish more in a month than you could in a year!


What My Clients Say

Anthony provided me with optimum service by ensuring I was 100% involved throughout building my website. He took my concepts and magnified them beyond my expectations. I am currently working on another project and will absolutely be utilizing their services again. I highly recommend him for your Branding Business needs!
Frederick Murphy
Founder of History Before Us
Anthony has been extremely beneficial to me and my brand-building quest. He has truly empowered me to be more strategic and insightful not only to my audience but to myself as well. I am grateful for the one on ones and the patience that he has shown me. I would definitely recommend him to everyone I know that wants to build their brand and grow their business.
Chaya Kennedy-Burnett
Founder of the Maven Movement
I had no idea how to expand my brand, and I was sick of paying for inconsistent organizations that claimed to be able to grow my business and my brand. Anthony made an immediate impression! He clearly explained how to manage and expand my brand and influence. He took the time to learn about my company and my immediate and long-term objectives. I am incredibly happy.
Stefon Ikner

Get these Bonuses when you enroll by November 22, 2022

There will be many ideas, realizations, and “aha!” moments during our sessions. You will be able to revisit them at any time to review, take additional notes, and generate new ideas. Consider it your personalized online course in personal branding.

Not able to access your computer? Want the flexibility to build your brand and your business while on the go? You will receive an audio recording of our coaching session that you can listen to while exercising, driving, or walking around the neighborhood. It will be the most personally rewarding podcast you’ve ever listened to.

I want to make sure that we make the most of our limited time together. After each training session, I’ll go back and review our conversation. During those reviews, I’ll see if I get any new ideas, useful information, additional insights, or points to emphasize. Then I’ll send you the report in PDF or video format. It’s as if you’re getting a buy one, get one free deal on life-changing business coaching sessions.

The most influential work you will do will be the work you do on yourself. I always remind my clients that being an entrepreneur is, above all, a journey of self-discovery. I want you to be happy and fulfilled in all aspects of your life. To assist you, I’m giving you a FREE copy of my best-selling book, Poor Me to Soul Rich, as well as my guided journal, My Reflection. These books will be valuable resources not only for between trainings, but for the rest of your life.

If I release any new courses, challenges, events, or private groups during one year of your enrollment in Brand You, you will receive free access to those programs (excluding 1:1 coaching).

After completing the program, you will have the tools necessary to establish your personal brand. I know that even with the tools, it can still feel like a huge undertaking. I really want to provide you with additional help as you transition into your greatness. To accomplish this, I will provide you with an additional 30 days of video chat support. You will be able to ask up to 4 questions via a video chat app.

Brand Accelerator Scholarship Program

Application Deadline: November 14, 2022

Want the chance to receive a $5,000 off of your program tuition? Or even better, receive the program for FREE. Apply to the Brand Accelerator Program.

Individuals who want to be considered for the full scholarship have to meet the following criteria:

  • Have a verifiable, active, and registered business
  • The business has been active for at least 1 year
  • Submit a copy of your most current financials in the form of a business income tax statement, quarterly financials, or profit loss statement. These are used to consider the financial need of the applicant.

There are no financial. requirements to apply for the partial scholarship.

  1. Fill out a Brand You Program Application
  2. Submit a letter of recommendation
  3. Record a video that answers these 4 questions below
  1. What is your brand about?
  2. Why did you start your business?
  3. Why is it important to you that this business be successful?
  4. What would the scholarship mean to you?

Your video submission doesn’t have to be long but make sure you are speaking your truth with openness and authenticity. Don’t say what you think I want to hear. Speak from your heart.

Email any questions to

Click the scholarship that you would like to apply for.

** Disclaimer** The Brand Accelerator Program are for entrepreneurs who are serious about building their brands right now and have the budget to pay the balance of the tuition ($4,997) within 30 days if you are awarded a partial scholarship.

Frequently Asked Questions

Brand You is a 5 week program.

The current tuition for the Brand You program is $9,997 unless you are awarded a scholarship. If you pay the balance in full upfront, the tuition is $8,997 (savings of $1,000). See the Brand Accelerator Scholarship Program above for more details.


A non-refundable deposit of $2,000 is required to reserve your spot. A payment of $4,000 will be issued seven (7) days later. Your final payment of $3997 will be made seven (7) days later.

Payment Breakdown

Payment 1 – $2000 to reserve spot

Payment 2 – $4000 – 7 days later

Payment 3 – $3997 – 7 days after payment 2 is made

Total Tuition: $9997

If you win a partial scholarship, you must pay a non-refundable deposit of $2,000 and the remaining balance of $3,500 within seven (7) days, for a total of $5,500. If you pay in full, you’ll save $500.

Payment Breakdown

Payment 1 – $2000 to reserve spot

Payment 2 – $3500 – 7 days later

Total Tuition: $5500 (only $4,997 if paid in full up front)

Yes. You can your deposit with a credit card (up to $2000) and rest must be paid by bank transfer or wire transfer.

I do accept Zelle, but not Cashapp or Venmo.

I want to make sure that the people I work with are good for this program. I’m making sure that you’re a good match for me in the same way that you’re making sure that I’m a good match for you.

In addition to my years of experience as a business owner, mindset coach, graphic designer, digital marketer, and branding strategist, I go hard for my clients. That is, I have the same interest in your success as you do. More often than not, my clients become family and part of my professional inner circle.

First, most reputable branding agencies charge upwards of $50,000 or more for that level of attention and service (I’ve worked with a number of them throughout the years). Typically, agencies drive clients through their system and agenda without listening to them, understanding their needs, or recognizing who they are as a person. In our sessions, you will receive individualized, one-on-one attention tailored to your specific needs.

I typically only work with 4 – 5 clients at a time.

If you have an existing brand, this program will take it to an entirely new level. You will be able to quickly apply what you learn to significantly improve what you have.

It’s fine if you don’t know exactly what kind of brand you want to build. By the end of this program, you’ll know exactly what kind of brand you’re meant to build that will bring you the most happiness and success.

I like that you’ve tried different coaches and programs. I’m willing to bet that you’re here because you didn’t get what you thought you would or because they didn’t help you get the clarity you need to move forward with confidence and assurance. The Brand You program isn’t just about getting you ready to start right away; it’s also about setting you up for long-term success.

Yes. Normally, the tuition is $9,997 (3 payments). If you pay in full upfront, the tuition is $8,997 (a savings of $1,000).

READY to Unleash the full
potential of your brand?

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