One of my mentors once said that our goals and dreams will be tested for authenticity. Meaning that life will present you with specific challenges to make sure that you…
Date Archives April 2021
Stop Letting These 3 Types of Fear Paralyze You
What if I were to tell you that many of your fears are self-created? Think back to the last time you considered pursuing something. Did you start thinking about what…
4 Reasons Generational Leaders Have So Many Haters
1. Generational Leaders are Agitators Generational leaders are agitators. If there is an important issue that needs to be addressed, a generational leader brings it up and keeps bringing it…
Learn to Get Out of Your Own Way Today with these 10 Quotes
Have you ever felt like you should be much further along in your life than you are? Then to find out that the main reason that you aren’t where you…